Political Nous

This masterclass supports learners to understand what it means to have political nous, how to develop political nous, and how to bring it into your business as usual.


A short blurb about the masterclass

Key Information

Dates: TBC

Duration:  TBC

Format: Online workshop

Fee: TBC

Faculty: Claire Spencer, Associate Director – Public Sector & Politics

Who is the Masterclass for?

This masterclass is for people who:


  • …work in political environments,
  • …are seeking to influence politicians and politically led institutions, or
  • …would like to develop their understanding of political environments.

    Benefits for you

    As a participant, you will receive the following benefits:


    • A guided learning journey on political nous from an experienced facilitator who has held elected office and worked as part of political environments,
    • The opportunity to meet and learn from inspiring senior leaders (half day session).

    Focus and Structure

    To be completed


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