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Posted on October 21st, 2009

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

The Tower Hamlets Partnership (THP) is currently piloting a strategic commissioning approach in relation to the delivery of two key Community Plan outcomes:

Both these pilots are at the scoping and planning stage. Through them THP will map needs and existing funding; assess provision; consult and engage with the local community about expectations and what works, and develop a commissioning strategy, aiming to identify new ways of working and providing services where appropriate to maximise the impact from the resources invested.  The aim is to use the pilots to develop a standard partnership methodology and approach which is flexible enough to be applied to the achievement of other cross-cutting outcomes.

Shared Assets

The council, police and PCT have all expressed their interest in working better together to make use of local public assets. The council’s Asset and Capital Board has quarterly meetings which involve other public sector partners. The Board is currently considering how to develop a joint approach to public sector assets across the borough with the aim to move towards a partnership asset management action plan.

Shared Services

The partnership undertook some work last year to consider the potential for shared services in some key ‘corporate support’ areas including performance; equalities; communications; consultation and research and data. This identified some potential, but also barriers and pitfalls in terms of competing priorities; diverging national frameworks; ownership and accountability; and external developments such as NHS London plans impacting on the future of PCTs at canada viagra generic a borough level. Nevertheless, areas where joint working could be improved were identified, particularly cialis online australia around joint research, data and consultation, and these have been taken forward in a number of cases”

The partnership is also looking at strategic commissioning pilot in relation to public realm outcomes later in the year following the outcome of a shared working pilot on the Berner estate.

Category: others