Total Place

About Total Place

Frequently asked questions

To read the answers to frequently asked questions about Total Place, visit the Frequently asked questions page.

Aims of Total Place

> Make changes to services that can improve the lives of local residents and deliver better value
> Deliver early savings to validate the work
> Develop a body of knowledge and learning about how more effective cross-agency working can deliver the above.
> The work weaves together three complementary strands:  ‘counting’, ‘culture’ and ‘customer needs’

The counting process

This process will map money flowing through the place (from central and local bodies) and make links between services, to identify where public money can be spent more effectively. This forms part of Lord Michael Bichard’s work on the Operational Efficiency Programme, which is looking at where efficiency savings can be made in the public sector.

Operational Efficiency Programme – on the HM Treasury website

The culture process

This process looks at the way existing cultures (the way we do things at the moment) actually helps or hinders the process.

Together, these strands aim to identify potential efficiencies and help people and organisations work together to achieve them.

Customer needs

This process will provide additional support around customer insight to help pilots better understand customer need and identify opportunities for collaboration between agencies on service redesign and use of resources.  It will also capture and share with pilots wider learning about customer insight from other sectors and places. The findings will help the pilots realise the potential benefits of customer insight work, particularly the opportunities to join up and exploit data about shared customers in their themed work

Where we are now?

Politicians and senior managers in 13 areas have volunteered to act as ‘pilots’ and implement this new way of working, which will draw in colleagues from other local and national organisations and Whitehall.

Each pilot has chosen a theme that reflects its local priorities and the learning and developments from these pilots will be captured in this web resource.

The pilots are engaged in their high-level counting exercise and will report their findings shortly.

Who’s involved in Total Place?

To learn more about who is involved in delivering Total Place visit the Who’s involved page.