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The CLEAR Model
(Contracting, Listening, Explore, Action, Review)
Transformational Coaching aims to create ‘shifts’ in the understanding and
reasoning that are behind certain behaviours, as well as the behaviours themselves.
Hawkins, drawing on the theories of Bateson, describes this as level 2 learning, or
double loop learning (Arygris). The underlying principle is that change begins in the
room. The intention is that this will create shifts across the wider system.
The CLEAR Model is also used in team coaching, through the CID-CLEAR model.
Contracting: Facts and patterns of behaviour
Listening: Behaviours and feelings
Explore: Feelings and assumptions
Action: Feelings, assumptions and behaviours
Review: Facts, behaviours, feelings and assumptions
The Process
The CLEAR Model works across four interlinked areas.
Hawkins describes them as The 4 Levels of Engagement.
Further Resources
Provided by ASQ, this video gives an animated explanation of the Nominal Group Technique and its use.